Welcome to the new GoldenCrab Studios website! Anyone who has seen the old site should be able to agree that this new site is far FAR improved by comparison. The new site looks better, is far less buggy, is far more stable, has more features, has actually functional forums, has a more organized News section, is more secure for members who join, and in general looks a lot more friendly than it did previously.
My only real frustration with the new website is that the Wix Forums have limited design styles. Notably I cannot remove those giant banners at the top of the forums and the number of categories is a bit limited because they are rendered as large boxes instead of lists of categories similar to how topics are listed within said categories. We may contact Wix to see if they plan on adding more options for this.
That said we are not 100% done working on the website, I'm still in the process of finding options in the editor so I can optimizing it to save on bandwidth and make the mobile version work better. It should also be noted that in a few years from now we will probably overhaul the site one last time when we can afford to hire a proper web designer to create us an efficient custom website with all the features we need and want.
For those who hadn't seen the old site, here is a peek at how bad it was by comparison:

Even with my handful of issues with the current forum app it is still far better than the old one: